



阿尔伯马尔学院’s (COA) 远程教育 offers a convenient way for adult learners to begin or continue their education by attending classes from home, 工作场所或任何能上网的地方. Online classes are available through a learning management system called MyCourses (also known as Moodle).
You’ll need access to a modern, internet-connected personal computer with an up-to-date web browser. 我们推荐Chrome®或Firefox™使用MyCourses, as there have been some technical issues with exams and discussion boards when using Internet Explorer®. 其他所需的软件将在每个课程时间表上列出. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的答案 常见的技术问题.

如果你没有电脑,欢迎你使用 计算机实验室 位于COA -申博平台和COA -埃登顿-乔旺, as well as the computers available at COA -申博平台 and COA -大胆 libraries.




  • 积极主动,能独立工作
  • 能够设定目标,并为之稳步工作
  • 能够有效地管理时间
  • 负责任的自觉自发的
  • 愿意指导自己的努力
  • 精通阅读理解

Online courses also require a certain amount of computer expertise, including the ability to:

  • 浏览互联网
  • 检查和发送电子邮件
  • 发送带有附件的电子邮件
  • 使用文字处理软件撰写和编辑文档
  • 熟悉MyCourses

访问我们的 在线学习准备测试 评估你目前参加在线课程的能力.

它们都是不同类型的教学. 以下是每一种的描述:

  • 互联网(在线): 100%在线授课的课程, your classmates and your instructor interacting online from separate locations and times
  • 混合动力: Courses in which greater than 50 percent but less than 100 percent of instruction is delivered online using a combination of both online and face-to-face settings
  • 混合: Courses in which less than or equal to 50 percent of instruction is delivered online using a combination of both online and face-to-face settings
  • 网络会议: Courses taught live at a scheduled time using an online web conferencing platform such as Zoom™ or Collaborate™
  • 面对面的: Courses in which 100 percent of instruction is delivered in the classroom and may use the LMS to post supplementary instructional materials
参观 招生 网页 to apply online, or contact the Admissions Office for an application packet.

  • In person at either COA -申博平台, COA - Edenton-Chowan, COA -大胆, or COA - Currituck
  • 联系招生办,或者你的 顾问
  • 网上使用 MyService网站
远程教育课程的学费与校内课程相同. 任何北卡罗来纳州社区大学的学费都有可能发生变化, 每年秋季学期开始生效.


在第一天上课之前, 访问课程安排网页, locate your registered classes and use the “Textbook Info” link to view a list of required textbooks. 然后你可以参观 书店 在网上订购图书.
一旦你激活了你的帐户,返回到 MyCourses *网站 用同样的用户名和密码登录. Due to audit requirements, courses will be visible the first day of classes starting at 12:15 a.m.,此时你就可以查看当前学期的课程. Log in to MyCourses from the student portal or directly through the MyCourses 网页. 使用激活COA帐户时设置的用户名和密码. If you have 重置密码 since activating your account, use the new password. 用户名通常是你的firstname_lastname (john_doe, jane_doe). 一旦登录到MyCourses, you’ll have access to the COA 101 Introduction to MyCourses (Moodle) for Students course and the 学术支持中心’s MyCourses网络资源.

*New students will have access to MyCourses one week before the start of their class.

如果你对作业有疑问, 年级的书, 重置测试和其他问题, 最好的选择是联系你的教练. 您也可以查看 MyCourses网络资源 或浏览 在线学术资源 网页了解更多信息.
访问 导师, a free online tutoring assistance program that provides unlimited access to a network of tutors 24 hours per day, 一周七天. 导师s are available via audio and chat, and appointments can be spontaneous or scheduled. 书面作业也可以“放下”来复习. 你可以在写作方面得到帮助, 数学, 阅读, 科学, 业务, 西班牙语, 护理, 盟军的健康, 计算机与技术. 导师链接可以在你的任何MyCourses课程中找到.
如果您有技术相关的问题,请访问我们的 常见的技术问题 快速找到你的答案. 如果你在激活账户或登录Gmail时遇到技术上的困难, 重置密码. 要提交远程教育具体问题,请登录 COA帮助台 support or click “myHelp” on the tool bar located in MyCourses and submit a support ticket (choose “10: Student Support and 10: MyCourses), 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 获得MyCourses的帮助.
If you need face-to-face assistance with navigating MyCourses or understanding how to use a particular software application, lab assistants are available at COA -申博平台 and COA -大胆 libraries and in room 302 in the Workforce Development building at COA - Edenton-Chowan. 远程教育 offices are located at COA -申博平台 on the second floor of building B, b217或b223房间.


You won’t be able to enter your online course through MyCourses until the first day of class. 一些在线课程直到学期过半才开始, or are second-half classes that don’t begin until the second eight-week half of the semester. Be sure to check the schedule and your registration receipt for class start dates. You’ll need to log in and complete at least one assignment prior to your course’s 10 percent completion date to remain enrolled. 你将被要求参加每一节课, 包括参加小测验和考试, 参与论坛讨论, 提交论文和网络研究项目报告. Most instructors will post announcements and list assignments on the course syllabus. 请务必定期检查您的课程公告和电子邮件帐户.
你的导师通常会通过电子邮件与你联系. 你会通过Gmail获得一个免费的电子邮件账户,你需要监控这个账户. 一旦您激活了COA帐户并设置了密码, 你可以使用相同的用户名和密码登录Gmail和MyCourses. If you have technical difficulties activating your accounts or signing in to Gmail, 重置密码.
图书馆数据库可通过访问我们的 图书馆 网页. You can also access the 图书馆 through MyCourses on the menu at the top of the page.

The technology section offers tutorials for basic computing and various operating systems. Microsoft Office部分有Word的教程, 访问, Excel, PowerPoint和Publisher (Office XP), 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010年和2013年). The mobile applications section offers applications to help you learn through your smartphone.

The college offers a free version of Microsoft Office for all students and employees, 你最多可以在五台设备上安装你的拷贝. 访问 安装Office 365 下载软件,然后使用您的COA电子邮件帐户注册您的副本.
如果你对MyLabsPlus有问题, 请记住,访问码是区分大小写的, 所以一定要在适当的情况下输入字母. 另一个常见的问题出现在从其他地方购买 书店, and accidentally getting a MyLabs access code rather than a MyLabsPlus access code (you’ll need to buy the “Plus” version).

如果你仍然有问题, 请联系培生服务台(MyLabsPlus由培生支持) 888-883-1299 or 800-677-6337,每周7天,每天24小时提供服务.




  • 锈蚀、Shellee

  • 远程教育总监

  • COA -伊丽莎白市:b217

  • 252-335-0821 ext. 2380